The New European Bauhaus has the ambition to make the Green Deal a cultural, human-centered and positive, tangible experience. Everyone should be able to feel, see and experience the green and digital transformation and the way it enhances our quality of life. It is about bridging the global challenges with the local solutions to achieve our climate targets and support a broader transformation perspective.
The New European Bauhaus is about our daily lives, focusing on better living together in more beautiful, sustainable and inclusive places. Its objective is to articulate, in an innovative way, three key dimensions:
– sustainability (including circularity)
– aesthetics (and other dimensions of the quality of experience beyond functionality)
– inclusion (including accessibility and affordability)
The 2021 Prizes will be part of and represent the culmination of the first phase of the New European Bauhaus, which is focused on design and engagement. “New European Bauhaus Rising Stars” will be devoted to concepts or ideas submitted by young talents aged 30 or less. The concepts/ideas can be at different stages of development from the early concepts to prototype level and should be presented with a development plan, outlining the foreseen steps envisaged to further develop, promote and/or implement the concept/idea with a particular focus on the year following the application.
All the preselected project examples and concepts/ideas will be given visibility before the final selection on the designated New European Bauhaus website. In addition to a monetary amount (€ 15.000), each winner of a prize will benefit from a media partnership provided by the Commission for dedicated communication activities. The winners in the ten categories will receive their prize at an official ceremony held by the European Commission.
Click here for further information and to submit your application
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