A case study of using VCPTu for drivability analysis of vibratory pile driving

Picture of Armand van Wijck


This paper investigates the use of Vibratory CPTu (VCPTu) to analyse the cyclic soil resistance during vibratory penetration with the vibratory pile driving method. VCPTu is an in situ soil investigation device that penetrates the ground while inducing cyclic strains with different vibration modes. The collected data can be post-processed to determine a reduction in cyclic soil resistance due to the vibratory mode of penetration. Results showed that the VCPTu data are promising to some extent and that the results can be considered as roughly representative for the installation of piles. VCPTu is a potential investigation method for challenging sites in the future.

This paper investigates the use of Vibratory CPTu (VCPTu) to analyse the cyclic soil resistance during vibratory penetration with the vibratory pile driving method. VCPTu is an in situ soil investigation device that penetrates the ground while inducing cyclic strains with different vibration modes. The collected data can be post-processed to determine a reduction in cyclic soil resistance due to the vibratory mode of penetration. Results showed that the VCPTu data are promising to some extent and that the results can be considered as roughly representative for the installation of piles. VCPTu is a potential investigation method for challenging sites in the future.

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