Samen naar de WEC in Praag op 11-13 oktober 2023

Gaan jullie mee?

2 reacties

  1. Gaaf, Gijs!! Ik zag dat er inspirerende onderwerpen op het programma staan:

    -New Solutions for Energy
    -Smart Cities, Concept of Urbanization
    -Engineering Approach to Environment Protection
    -Engineering Education and Continual Professional Development
    -Green Transport
    -Safe Digital World
    -Innovative Technologies in Industry
    -Engineering in Health Care
    -Food and Fresh Water Supply
    -Natural and Industrial Disaster Prevention
    -Climate Change Mitigation
    -From Earth to the Universe
    -Young Engineers Forum
    -Women in Engineering

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Hey engineer (to be)

Wat zou jij nog toegevoegd willen zien op onze site?
Meer content over Industrieel Ontwerp en Big Data
of is juist Civiele techniek jouw ding?!